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Land Use

Tabusintac Watershed is located in Northeastern New Brunswick along the coastal waters of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and empty into the Miramichi Bay. The Tabusintac River watershed drainage basin is approximately 715 km2.  Residential homes, cottages, and industries are found throughout the watershed within the communities of Brantville, Bayshore, Allainville, Allardville, and Tabusintac Reserve No. 9.


The watershed consist of many different fresh and saline ecosystems that supports various species within marine and terrestrial environments.  The biodiversity and healthy natural resources/life sources of the watershed allowed for timber harvesting, peat extraction, commercial fisheries in various of species, agriculture, and traditional usages; such as, hunting and gathering of medicines.  The pristine environment allowed for residents and stakeholders to live and work within the region.   


The ecosystems within the watersheds have been identified as ecological reserve (provincial), an IBA Important Bird Area and a RAMSAR site, Wetland of International Significant, and within an Eastern Habitat Joint Venture (EHJV) priority ecodistrict. Natural Protected Areas and  Environmental Significant Areas are designated within the watershed. 


Land and marine usages are consistently evolving at  a rapid rate due to advancements in technology , resulting in higher yields within timber harvesting, agriculture, commercial fisheries, peat extraction, and aquaculture.  Integrity and the health of the life/natural sources within the region are being impacted from anthropogenic effects and climate change.  Anthropogenic effects within the region includes:  drilling into aquifers for well water and usage of septic systems for solid waste; timber harvesting; utilizing fisheries for commercial, sport, and food; aquaculture; recreational boating and swimming; tourism; peat mining; blueberry agriculture; and residence and stakeholders increase.

Please review report below prepared by one of our partners for more information on peat mining and other environmental impacts within the Tabusintac watershed.

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